Emmett Sutliff Award 

Emmitt Sutliff Nomination Form

West Shore Water Producers Association (WSWPA) Contributes to American Water Works Association Building Fund

Published in Illinois Section AWWA Fall/Winter Newsletter 1973

Front Row: Emmett Sutliff, Hammond Water Company & WSWPA Chair

Back Row (Left to Right): Bob Becker, Indianapolis Water Company & Indiana Section AWWA Chair; Leo Louis, Gary Hobart Water Company & AWWA Past President (1966); Barbara Fox, Chicago Bureau of Water; John Skorupski, South Milwaukee Water Utility & Wisconsin Section AWWA Chair; Bob Sasman, Illinois State Water Survey & Illinois Section AWWA (Chair)


In 1989, an award to honor one of the most inspirational members of the West Shore Water Producers Association was named in memory of Emmett Sutliff.  Mr. Sutliff was the Superintendent of the Hammond Indiana Plant and passed away after many years of dedicated service to Hammond and the water industry; in particular, the West Shore Water Producers Association.   

This prestigious award is given to the person who best exemplifies the spirit and enthusiasm of Mr. Emmitt Sutliff.